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Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Bare All: What IM Guru Are Reluctant To Tell You

If you’ve been on the internet on the 90s to the early 2000, you will know what I mean by what IM guru are reluctant to tell you. Those are the days when the phrase ‘making money online’, ‘get rich online’ and ‘be your own boss’ was really famous and many got scammed online. I am not talking about online scam but the real IM guru that sell products...

Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Falling of Ringgit and Effects To IMers

We are all aware that Malaysia is now under a bad economic situation. Starting with the loss of MAS airplane (MH370), the bombed airplane (MH17), floods everywhere, the drop of oil price and also the bad investment made by the government. These entire terrible things lead the country to the downfall of our currency. At this moment, the current Ringgit...

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

My Blog Failed But..

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you should already know that I have started a blog a year ago. If you haven’t read about it, you can check it out here. Actually I already know the consequences in starting a blog like that but I go ahead and try. My blog is about men’s lifestyle specifically on Asian fashion and lifestyle. I don’t really...

Monday, 22 September 2014

Seminar Review: Two Hours With Derek Gehl

Last week on Thursday 9/18 I have been attending a free seminar by Derek Gehl and yes you heard me right, it is FREE. I was wondering why someone like Derek Gehl would give a free seminar. What is the catch? I’m not new in internet marketing so I have some idea on what is the seminar is all about. So I thought to myself, I would not lose anything...

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Stop Wasting Your Time Mining Bitcoin

For anyone who don't know about bitcoin (BTC), I suggest you read about it first before reading this post. You also can see the video about bitcoin in Youtube. People are going crazy about bitcoin because it is considered a new currency with high value. At this time, the value of 1 bitcoin is around USD620. You can check bitcoin live value at The...

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Beware of Phishing Email From Gmail

A few days ago, I receive an email from Gmail (update). Yes, it is including the bracket. For regular internet user, it is easy to identify any type of phishing. However this is the first time that I receive a phishing email. I usually get Facebook account phishing scam send to my inbox. I fall victim to the Facebook phishing scam twice but it...

Friday, 20 June 2014

Getting Traffic To Your Website With No Cost

We all started for free. Why not go for free until the end? This article is intend to show you free stuff and how you do it the right way. So we are getting to the bringing the traffic part. No money is needed in bringing traffic to your blog. All you need to do is know the right way to do it for free.Some people don’t care about how many visitors...

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Tips For Creating A Blog: Bringing The Best From Blogger

I am sure that every blogging gurus will tell you NOT to use any free blogging platform to start your blog. To tell you the truth, they are right. Blogging is a business for some people. If you are very serious about building your business online, use paid domain name. That is the best place to have your business running.But this doesn't...

Monday, 16 June 2014

Advantage and Disadvatage of Blogger Blog

Advantages Of Blogger 1. Free to register and use 2. User friendly and easy to use. You don’t need to know a lot about html to use Blogger. 3. You can still make money like any paid domains 4. Free templates everywhere 5. If you want to, you can register your domain name only for $10 6. Build in membership registration 7. Receive low criticism...

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Blogging: What Is Your Real Intention?

Blogging has become such a trend today that even a kid can start a blog. With so many free blogging platforms available, it is possible for even someone with no budget or experience to start a blog. People blog for many reasons and most of them are tied to personal gain. The most common intent for starting a blog today is to make money online to gain...