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Thursday, 12 June 2014

Blogging: What Is Your Real Intention?

Blogging has become such a trend today that even a kid can start a blog. With so many free blogging platforms available, it is possible for even someone with no budget or experience to start a blog. People blog for many reasons and most of them are tied to personal gain. The most common intent for starting a blog today is to make money online to gain financial freedom or for side income. Whatever reasoning behind it, these aspiring bloggers have to make sure that they are capable of blogging well first.

When it first began, people started blogging, for the most part, as a hobby. Blogs created were mostly private and the blogger's intention was to share the content with friends and family. The content of a particular blog was about personal activities and bloggers did not having to go "viral" on the internet as a goal like what many are doing today. Some people even treated their blog like their diary and they wrote their blog about their everyday life.

Imagine how naïve bloggers are during those days. Bloggers don't even think about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), page rank, backlinks and not even something seemingly simple like keyword density. However, this is the real reason why people blog nowadays. Blogging is a social media and it is used to interact to other people. Business owners eventually acknowledged the power of the blog and used it to interact with their customers. That was the beginning of blogs being used for business intention.

Blogs are also used by some to gain attention. These types of bloggers, in general, do not care about the credibility of their blog content. Their intention is only to seek attention - positive or negative - and to gain readers. These blogs take physical form in the shape of gossip magazines and tabloids. Good article is not necessary true because the true intention is to attract readers and raise their curiosity. If the article reach the right people and shared with others, it will become popular which we today call it viral content.

Some people who have very strong opinions about the world but do not know the right channel to express their ideas can blog about them. These blogs are more than ideas, it is about someone's feelings towards the world that we live. These people actually can change the world. Helping other people can be a blessing and inspiration for these people.

Last but not least, people blog in the intention to spread news, activities and share events. We talked about gossip bloggers above but this is very different. News blogs are about quality reporting, unique points of view and facts. That is what these bloggers were supposed to do but people are starting to question the quality of the news reported.


To wrap things up, before you start thinking about making money out from blogging, remember what blogs are supposed to do. There are too many fake blogs who collects articles, spin them and then post them as their own. That is not quality blogging. It is because of their greed for money that keeps them from becoming a real blogger. People like this will not last long in the blogging world. When they realize that they do not make a single penny, they will throw in the towel.

Remember that blogging was supposed to be fun and exciting. People write articles to inspire, share experiences and to inform other people with their ideas, jokes and facts. If you feel miserable and not having fun doing it, then blogging is not for you.

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