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Thursday 4 July 2013

Google Panda Search Algorithm - Add Nofollow Tag To Comments

Comments are important to any blog. Comments are used as interaction between the blog owner or writer and the readers. Readers can write any comment about the post that have been created. This is what we called a healthy interaction within a blog. It shows that the blog is alive and have readers. Even negative comments are considered healthy because there are interactions.

Many blogs today moderate incoming comments because the comments contain spam. How does a comment contain spam? What is obvious about comment spam is they contain hyperlink or a link to another website. Bloggers hate this kind of stuff because it can lower a blog's rating.

A few blogs still allow any comments including spam and whatsoever that people want to write there. It is their choice to do that. As for me, I allow any comment because this is not a self-hosted domain and its free to use. Adding to that, this blog is my personal note that I share with everyone.

For those who not yet adding nofollow tag to the title, below post and side widget, you can read about it here. This is to avoid your blog to become a victim to Google Panda search algorithm.  For the link inside the comment box, follow the instructions below.

Nofollow Author Links:
1. Go to your html editor such as blogger template in Blogger

2. Find (ctrl+f) the code below:

3. Replace the code above with the code below:

Nofollow Comment Links (Spam)
1. Still in the html editor, find the below code:

2. Replace the above with the following code:

3. Click save and you are done!

Socializer Widget By Blogger Yard


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