Everyone who knows or want to use article marketing are aware that writing a good article is very important to promote or to market their blog and product. But the main question is, how do you write a good article? Do you write an article like you write an essay during school days? These questions will come out from your head if you realize that very few people visit and read your blog.
You will be asking yourself why is the article isn't interesting enough for people to read. Before going further on the topic, one thing you have to know is, article are really that damn important for your blog. Visitors will see how do you write your article and see if it is interesting enough to read.
How do we know if the article is not good? There, there my children, how can you not know the answer? There is no such thing as a bad article. Its the way you present the article that makes it looks bad.
Compare an online journal about volcanoes on an online database to an article about volcanoes in a magazine-type of website. Which one do you prefer to read?
Online journal could be very long and contain less or no image at all. While the magazine-type of website put colorful images with a bit distortion on the font. Well, I prefer the magazine-type.
There are two types of article. To write a good article, you must know what is the purpose of the article and where do you want to publish the article?
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Online Journals Source: Image |
The Textbook Article
What does it mean by the textbook article? Yes, it is the article that you write according to the texbook rules. You can find a lot of articles like this at Ezine, Online Journals and news websites like CNN.
Textbook article are the top class article which means they are very, very good articles. Like what you learn in school, textbook article contain:
1. Introduction
2. Topic sentence
3. Description on the topic sentence
4. Appropriate examples
5. Well-structured paragraph
6. Conclusion/closing
The freestyle article
Freestyle article doesn't mean that it is bad. It is just as good as the textbook article. The articles are also very good. The only difference is that freestyle article don't have a certain format.
These type of articles can be seen in most informal websites that belongs to an individual. Many bloggers use freestyle when writing their content and most of them abuse the freestyle way. That is what makes the article looks bad.
I have a friend who owns a self hosted blog and he writes about 200 to 300 words per post. The most is 400 words mostly with no image, video or whatsoever. I pity the blog because it was not well-written. A bad thing and a waste for a self hosted blog.
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Freestyle Source: Image |
Write good article
The most important thing to remember when trying to write is to maintain the article's credibility. No matter the article is for formal use or informal, keep it steady. What matter is the message sent through the article to the readers.
And bloggers must know where they want to post their article. That is the main problem of bloggers. They know how to write good articles but they don't know what is the main purpose on why did they even write the article. If you write for formal websites such as Ezine, you should write formally.
Ezine won't accept a freestyle article. They will reject your article if it is not in the right format and with good grammar. We are talking about English subject here.
Textbook article and freestyle article are both different but have the same purpose that is to send their messages to the reader. They are both good articles. The only different is the way the article is written. To avoid writing bad articles, you must know when to write formal and informal format.
Bloggers who write for their own blog can use whatever techniques they want. Do some revision on the keyword to attract organic traffic. This will solved your lack of traffic to your blog.
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